blog.absurd:li - press play on tape
June 29th 2011
Tagged parslet, transformations, tree, PORO

Parslet Tree Mangling and Transformations

A simple parser in parslet will at first only output strings from its parsing stage:

  class SimpleParser < Parslet::Parser
    root :ifthenelse

    rule(:ifthenelse) {
      _if >> _then >> _else.maybe

    rule(:_if)    { str('if') >> space? >> number }
    rule(:_then)  { str('then') >> space? >> number }
    rule(:_else)  { str('else') >> space? >> number }

    rule(:number) { match["0-9"].repeat(1) >> space? }

    rule(:space?) { match["\s"].repeat }
  end 1 then 2 else 3))
  # => "if 1 then 2 else 3"@0

This means that a match has been found at input position 0. That’s all the information you can get from this. But what if this is not enough?

You add tags. Let’s say, we want to know what numbers are in the if, then and else branch, respectively. It would only be natural to assume that tagging number like this:

  rule(:number) { match["0-9"].repeat(1).as(:number) >> space? }

would be enough. And it is, in a way:'123')  # => {:number=>"123"@0}

So you launch the full example (without extracting the number parser) and you get this:

  > ruby simple.rb
  Duplicate subtrees while merging result of 
  only the values of the latter will be kept. (keys: [:number])
  Duplicate subtrees while merging result of 
  only the values of the latter will be kept. (keys: [:number])

The warnings that parslet outputs can be shut up with -W0 on the command line, but the result is hardly what we expect. (what about 1 and 2?) So the warnings probably mean something. To explain this, I’d like to dive into what parslet does with the output from its parsing stages (also called atoms).

Output Merging Algorithm (Handwaving Version)

Let’s consider a parser that has no tags (.as(...)) in it. The two basic atoms of such a parser will have strings as output:

  str('a').parse('a')   # => "a"@0
  match['a'].parse('a') # => "a"@0

This is always the case. As shown above, the entire parser will have the input string as output. Here are the stages such an input string goes through before being returned to you:

  parser = str('a') >> str('b') >> str('c')
  input  = 'abc'

  # Stage 1: Sequence matching result (yes, a Ruby Array)
  ["a"@0, "b"@1, "c"@2]
  # Stage 2: Merging ajacent strings

From this, we’ll deduce merge rule #1: Elements of a sequence or a repetition match are concatenated if they’re strings. This rule is enough to explain the first result we had above where our :ifthenelse rule would return the string we fed into it.

Let’s inspect what happens when we start tagging. The most interesting case is partial tagging, since that is what occurs most often in real life. The things we parse contain delimiters that are not signal, but syntactic noise:

  parser = str('a') >> str('b').as(:important) >> str('c')
  # Stage 1: Basic matching
  ["a"@0, {:important => "b"@1}, "c"@2]
  # Stage 2: Merge

Here’s rule #2: In mixed sequences and repetitions, hashes (tagged elements) and arrays (collections of tagged elements) are retained.

Now to add a last element, let’s also look at how multiple tags are handled:

  parser = str('a') >> str('b').as(:b) >> str('c').as(:c)
  # Stage 1: Basic matching
  ["a"@0, {:b=>"b"@1}, {:c=>"c"@2}]
  # Stage 2: Merge
  {:b=>"b"@1, :c=>"c"@2}

And here’s rule #3: In sequences, hashes mean a named subtree. As such, the branches are merged into one hash.

Why the “Duplicate subtrees” Message?

We now have enough rules for figuring out what the message

  Duplicate subtrees while merging result of 
  only the values of the latter will be kept. (keys: [:number])

means. Each of the parser atoms :_if, :_then and :_else essentially output {:number => X}. (#2) Those are then merged together into one hash. (#3) Since all of them have a single key :number, parslet cannot merge them together without discarding information. As output we get

  # result of 

How to fix this

To fix this, you will need to provide parslet with more information on how to arrange the information:

  class SimpleParser < Parslet::Parser
    # ...
    rule(:_if)    { str('if') >> space? >> }
    rule(:_then)  { str('then') >> space? >> }
    rule(:_else)  { str('else') >> space? >> }
    # ...
  end 1 then 2 else 3))
  # => {:cond=>{:number=>"1"@3}, :then=>{:number=>"2"@10}, :else=>{:number=>"3"@17}}

Results are still merged together, but this time the keys are all distinct. Hence no warning and no discarded information.

And Transformation

Let’s consider transforming this into something useful:

  class SimpleTransform < Parslet::Transform
    rule(:number => simple(:n)) { Integer(n) }

      :cond => simple(:c), 
      :then => simple(:t), 
      :else => simple(:e)) { [c, t, e] }
  end 1 then 2 else 3)))
  # => [1, 2, 3]

As you can see, a first rule transforms all :numbers into real Ruby numbers in one single step. A second rule then uses the semantic tags to reorder the information in the tree into a simple triplet of [COND, THEN, ELSE].

This shows that both levels of tags (:numbers and :if/:then/:else) are needed and useful.

Careful readers will have noticed that the above Transformer is missing a rule for the case where ‘else’ is missing. Here’s the full Transformer:

  class SimpleTransform < Parslet::Transform
    rule(:number => simple(:n)) { Integer(n) }

      :cond => simple(:c), 
      :then => simple(:t), 
      :else => simple(:e)) { [c, t, e] }
      :cond => simple(:c), 
      :then => simple(:t)) { [c, t, nil] }
  end 1 then 2)))
  # => [1, 2, nil]

Due to the nature of the transformers in parslet the case distinction gets folded into multiple pattern matching rules. This is supposed to remind you of functional programming – Duplication is a good thing, at least here.

Wrapping it up

I’ve tried to show you some of the more technical aspects of parsing and transformation. We’ve seen how parser output gets mangled to throw away all those strings parslet deems unimportant to you. With the three rules given above, you will be able to reason about this stage.

Also, I hope to inspire a ‘more is more’ approach in connection with transformer rules. Rule actions should not handle case distinctions; a properly encoded tree will contain enough variety to be able to match different cases directly. It goes without saying that the code in these blocks should be kept short, since some of it will be repeated.